Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Glimpses of our Great God at work in Africa ! Actually God has shown us other connections He has already planned for us to take the Audio Bibles into. One place is Haiti, as we have met several Haitian pastors, some have congregations here, and others have family and church connections there. The Haitian Creole is being done now, and when it is available we will have it distributed.
No only has the Lord put us in contact with these people , but many others have inquired and so we will pray about being involved with them. Keith is presently doing a mission trip in Freeport , Bahama with the church group to finish a fence quickly , since the government has threatened to take the church property and buildings if it is not completed by Aug.1. Pray with us that the government will give the church with pastor Dwight the deed to the property and not have any more problems. A GREAT GLIMPSE FROM GOD CAME AS WE HAVE SOUGHT HIM ABOUT THE DELTA REGION ON THE ZAMBAZI RIVER IN MOZAMBIQUE. This is where He has shown us are mostly unreached people isolated because they live on islands in this delta area, and only can you get there by a four day dug out canoe ride. NOW we are parterning with Swiss Mercy Air and their helicopter to get Audio Bibles into them in their heart language of SENA. Remember we have asked for prayer to get this Bible translation in written form done, so we could then get it done in Audio. When we got permission from our Wycliffe missionary friends, we started praying for this language to be done, so we can distribute the Audio Bibles to this mostly unreached group of people in Mozambique. PRAISE the LORD , He already has had this planned, and was putting the connections together, so that when we approached our missionary friend here in the USA about that language, Chad informed us it is being done in Audio right now in the sound studio God had us start!! Chad had come with us originally to begin this studio, and train the national, Sergio. So how we rejoiced that God kept giving us glimpses and now the bigger picture of what He is doing!! Sergio has said that the four gospels are done in SENA and much of the New Testament, and that when the Bible College readers return who speak SENA, it will be finished the FALL. That is so much sooner then we ever imagined. Not only that , but funds are coming in to help get the 500 Audio Bibles into them that we are praying for. We , still want to bring 1000 into Africa , however the need is still great for the Makua people 6.5 million mostly Muslims in Northern Moz. and we have put that language on the Audio Bibles for them.
Nhlanhla, the pastor in Zimbabwe emails us, and we still see a need for Audio Bibles in SHONA to him, plus the Audio Bible Stories. Each time we pray , Lord help us get them into that dangerous country. Shona, is also spoken by people in Mozambique in the area of Chimoio, where our missionary friends, Ron & Barb Wayner are, so we have had a distribution there. More are needed and requests are made, and our Great God will provide.
Pray with us as to the timing of our return and distribution of the Audio Bibles into the DELTA.
Pray we can financially partner with Swiss Mercy Air and their helicopter to get the Audio Bibles into the DELTA.
Praise the Lord as He makes the way to do His work & His plans through us to reach LOST people.
Pray with us that God continues to give us His vision and His plans for us and for our family.
Pray about the NEW Sound Studio we are partnering with Audio Scripture Ministries to build in Xai Xai, Mozambique. Praise the Lord for funds that have come in and the rest that will come in
Praise the Lord for my being ordained on July 9th, His timing & His plans, and the Scripture that
was given to me many years ago by the Lord. Luke 9: 1 - 6 but 6th states it well, " So they set out and went from village to village, preaching the gospel and healing people everywhere."
We look forward to the future with you that He is doing and with all of you it is possible!
In His Plans & our Love,
Keith & Rev. Victoria DeKraker

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