Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Continue to Pray



Is. 43 : 18 & 19(NIV)  " Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.  See, I AM doing doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I AM making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland."

We are seeing new translations in heart languages being done in accelerated time by the church , the nationals themselves.   The past -   we the western world did it for them  -  Now the New thing -  they are doing it.   We give them the process and resources -  God gives them the insight.  PTL.

Wycliffe Associates our partner in getting the Word of the Lord to unreached people groups,  has through the leading of the Lord ,  a new process , modeled after the basics from Wycliffe Bible Translators, but with the added advantage of using some of the English Language Learning skills.
Also  with Technology,  using tablets for the new translators, phones, and laptop computers with software to enhance and search for them the key issues, key words etc. :  the church, the people group can and are translating.   Several languages were started in Nepal before the earthquake came.  Even when it hit , a team from Wycliffe Associates where there.   They are helping as needed and the enemy's attack will Not stop the translation work.   God loves these people and wants them to know Him.

AFCC, has provided Audio Bibles to Africa in several countries.  God is doing a New thing and wants that to expand.  His Word " The Bible"   can be printed in these remote areas,  A print on demand process is also being taught.(Pring on Demand)  POD,  can be set up and make copies of the Bible in their own languages for as small an amount as $2.00 each.   As the books of the Bible are done, they can be printed and used in the villages.   We see the New thing God is doing , and it is amazing , exciting and beyond anything we could have imagined.   Pray with us and for us as these New things take place.  Pray about being part of the funded needed to place a POD in the Bible College in Xai Xai , Mozambique and as the Lord shows us, other places.

AFCC continues to spread the Word of God in the ways He shows us.
You can be part of getting Bibles out to the people in Audio & Print  by sending your gracious
& loving amount to AFCC  3399 142nd Ave. Holland, Mi 49424   Make the Check out to AFCC

Isaiah 43:18 &19
Keith & Chaplain Victoria DeKraker