Saturday, October 26, 2013

Audio Bibles for the poor & helpless, women & children:

 Children who need to hear the Word of God in their own heart language. Many never get to go to school and especially the girls aren't allowed to go to school, because the boys are allowed first. Our Lord Jesus brings transformation and hope to hopeless lives in Mozambique.  The SENA language( 400 more this Fall) has been distributed around the Chimoio area and north.  So this year 800 Audio Bibles have gone out from AFCC.  Now enough funds have come in to order another 500 Audio Bibles .  These will also go North and Central into Mozambique. Lives are being changed and people are listening to TRUTH, as they receive God's GRACE through His Word.  Thank you for being on the Team and partnering with us as we following the leading of the Lord to expand His Kingdom.
 Francious, is a missionary that is passionate about God's Word in Audio, and goes with his wife Alta, traveling thousands of miles in Mozambique, Malawi, and then back to Chimoio, to distribute the Audio Bibles we had sent to them.   We praise the Lord that they are part of the CONNECTING as all of you are also in getting the Audio Bibles out to the lost people . Matthew 28:19" Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations............."  
Blessings to all of you as you are blessed to be a blessing!!!
Chaplain Vicky & Keith DeKraker
 Alta, distributing Audio Bibles and needed materials to the women in Mozambique.
Eunice, one of the leaders working with women & children. I went with her to distribute Audio Bibles in 2012 and with Alta, into the village near Chimoio, Mozambique.  It was through the bush and through the riverbed, and up the rough eroded road on the side of a riverbank.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

PSALM 31:15

PSALM 31: 15 " My times are in Your hand............."   It has been a long spell between our input for the blog and now.  God has been in control, yet the time has gotten away from us.  We came back to Michigan to a flooded basement.  After two months of hard work it is cleaned up and better than before. Our son's wife, Heidi, has had on going medical problems and we ask for your prayers for her. Keith again has had some back issues and this is disappointing and we also ask for prayers. Our grandsons , who have M.D. need ongoing prayers as the older grandson is declining.
As to the timing of the Lord in getting more Audio Bibles to Mozambique, He is right on time!!!! An order has been made for 400 more in SENA.  The latest language recorded in Xai Xai , Moz.  The same language that was flown into the Zambazi Delta in April of 2012 in Mozambique.
A compassionate & loving mother kisses her child.  Our heavenly Father is compassionate & loving, as He provides His Word to a lost world.   We bring His Word in Audio to Africa in their heart languages and so are praying for more partners to increase the funds that then allow us to order and send more Audio Bibles to Mozambique.  Lamentations 3: 22 - 24 " Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, Because His Compassions fail not, They are new every morning: Great is Your faithfulness. 24" The Lord is my portion, says my soul, Therefore I hope in Him."   We bring Hope to lost people by His Word in Audio, the Audio Bible in their language.  Hope that is compassionate & loving from their Heavenly Father!  So rejoice with us that we have ordered 400 more Audio Bibles to bring the gospel to lost people in Africa.  The focus is Mozambique, the area around Chimoio and the Delta of the Zambazi River at the present time.
Chaplain Vicky

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Safe in His Hands: A Solid/ Firm Foundation

God's Word is a firm foundation!  This woman has been given her very own Audio Bible in Shona.  We ordered and had delivered a total of 400 Audio Bibles into the Chimoio area with my missionary friend, Alta.
AFCC had paid for because of all of you as our partners to have these distributed in Mozambique.  Our sister partner organization Audio Scriptures Ministries with Chad Vanden Bosch,  did the delivery, and Alta will travel many thousands of miles to distribute them to the women.  She calls them monitors, or her leaders who in turn teach and share the Audio Bibles with other women.  Mozambique went through the flood at the end of Jan. and of course problems into Feb.  The people needed Hope, they needed a firm foundation to hang onto .    Matthew 7 : 24(NLT) " Anyone who listens to my teaching and obeys me is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock.  25 Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won't collapse, because it is built on rock, 26 But anyone who hears my teaching and ignores it is foolish, like a person who buils a house on sand. 27 When the rains and floods come and the winds beat against that house it will fall with a mighty crash."

We thank the Lord that we are privileged to get these Audio Bibles to the people who are pleading for one, with you as our partners.   They are anchored on solid ground to face these disasters in life, instead of the others in Mozambique who are like the house built on sand.  They have No hope and the are not safe on solid rock.  Those who do have an Audio Bibles/ God's Truth, they can share and give the Truth/ Gospel.
Pray with us that many are saved through the distribution of these 400 Audio Bibles in Mozambique. Pray also that the next 600 Audio Bibles will have funds this Summer , so we can send more.

I want to tell you again about the 4000 women that our missionary friends have a network with.  They travel into Malawi and the Tete province and North in Mozambique.  We also have a Canadian couple in Chimoio, Moz. that have 1000 pastors that come to their mission several times a year.  So we see how God will reach 90,000 more people through these women & pastors as they receive an Audio Bible in their heart language.
Pray with us for doors to open to speak and the Lord will touch hearts to respond to what He has planned.

Hope to see many of you this Summer & Fall,
In His Plans & Times Psalm 31: 15
Keith & Chaplain Vicky 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Keith, didn't see this lion which was lying in the grass just outside our car.  The unexpected could have happened had he not noticed the lion at the last minute just before  he was to get out of the car.  Well, the unexpected happened to the people in Mozambique, just about a week ago.  The small Limpopo River, became a huge River and flooded the area around Xai Xai , Mozambique in Africa where we minister and the Sound Studio is located.  Praise the Lord the Studio is on high ground and was not involved!  The road that connects Mozambique both North and South is almost totally destroyed in the Xai Xai area. The last time the river flooded was in 2000 , but this time it is worse than then. We all need to be watchful in our lives not just for physical dangers , but also the spiritual dangers.  So with this physical disaster comes the need for spiritual protection and Hope.  The Shangann language has just recently been recorded in the Sound Studio for the Audio Bible.  Now we need prayer to give these people Hope by giving them the Audio Bible in their heart language , Shangann.  We are asking God to supply 1,000 more Audio Bibles this year for Mozambique.  Lamentations 3: 24  The Lord is my portion, says my soul ,therefore I have Hope.    They have lost everything, crops and homes, but God is faithful and He will give them Hope.  Through the partners who , along with us provide the Audio Bibles bringing Hope.  There are organizations that help with the disaster relief that is physical, God has shown us to bring Hope to the Hopeless in bringing His Word in the form of the Audio Bible in their language.  If you are lead by the Lord to be part of the 1000 Audio Bibles please send any donation to AFCC  3399 142nd Ave. Holland, Mi.49424                                                                                                                                                                   PS:   One more prayer request is for Keith as the unexpected happened to us last week, when we were told he needs outpatient surgery to remove melanoma from his shoulder.  The surgery will be on Monday Feb. 11.
In His Plans & Times,
Keith & Chaplain Vicky DeKraker  " AFCC"