Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Go tell the World!! John 20:17 b( NLT) ........"Go find my brothers and tell them "......
Of course we know Matthew 28: the great commission, but how many other passages of Scripture TELL US TO GO AND TELL??? We continue to speak and do God's work in raising funds for the Audio Bibles for Africa. We Go and Tell here in the USA and we Go and Tell in Africa. Bringing the Audio Bibles in their heart language, is how the Lord is Telling the Africans about Jesus!!!!! So many people are being moved by the Holy Spirit, and listening as well as obeying Him. an example follows:

At the last church we presented at, the elders found a Wedding ring set in the offering.
When they took us aside and told us, and then showed us, we were humbled to tears.
Our first response was , give them back to the couple. Then as the elders said " This was not done in a moment of emotion, they told us weeks ago about doing this. You must keep them and don't take their blessings away." We have prayed about this sacrifice, for you see they had nothing else to give we were told, and have a heart & passion for Missions in Africa. They are not an elderly couple , but a newly married couple, and together made this decision. I thought of the need for more Audio Bibles and reaching the children in Southern Africa, and how this will make it possible.

Luke 21:1-4 Contains the story of the widow giving of her two very small copper coins " she gave out of her poverty. " This couple has given out of their poverty, two wedding rings!!!! We have prayed and asked our board to pray and seek the Lord on this, and we see that the Lord will use this for His glory and helping the people of Africa!!! We are asking everyone to pray and see what the Lord would have you do, as we are asking for a pouring out from Heaven to multiply this seed!!!!! The lastest report from Mozambique is saying people are asking for the Audio Bibles by the thousands. We Need to get the thousands to them, so they may know JESUS!! We are not asking for donations like this one, it is unique to them. We are asking for you to seek the Lord and purchase one, two, three, four, or many many more of the Audio Bibles at about $40.00 each.

God has allowed us to distribute them and bring them into Africa. We will pray that thousands can get to Africa. You can send checks to Ambassadors for Christ Connecting 3399 142nd Ave. Holland , Michigan 49424 and you can make the check out to AFCC. We will keep you posted as to how God Multiplies the value of the rings as we will get them appraised and tell you what the matching funds are that are coming in!!!!! Match their humble but valuable gift to see what God is up to!!
In His Times & Plans Psalm 31:15
Chaplain Vicky & Keith DeKraker

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