This is Keith giving God's Word an Audio Bible to a lady in Mozambique in a very remote area.
This language had been in Translation for many many years with nationals even helping the Wycliffe translators. The Audio Bible was recorded and distributed 2 years before the final printing in hard copy.
SCRIPTURE : 2ND Timothy 3:14,16 &, 17 "But as for you, CONTINUE in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. So that the man of God my be thoroughly equipped for every good work."
We CONTINUE in doing Kingdom work traveling throughout the USA educating people on the need for the Audio Bible to go out into ALL the world. We pray with you and encourage others to in turn go out and do the mission the Lord has called them to. This is passing on the legacy of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom. We pray this woman will in turn teach her children and the village. They in turn will pass the Gospel on to others!
Presently Chad Vanden Bosch who we took with us in 2005 to Mozambique Africa, is married and doing recording and distributions of the Audio Bibles in their heart languages. He is our legacy in the work the Lord has given us. We praise the Lord for the opportunities to share the Gospel in Audio Bible form to the Nations. Now Chad is also expanding in the Kingdom work that the Lord has given him. He has started "New Harvest Farm" in Mozambique to make a break through to get the people to wake up to the truth of Jesus Christ and salvation. A 40 foot container has been shipped with Audio Bibles , farm equipment, and a multi functional tractor. Pray with us it gets safely through.
In His Plans &, Times Psalms 31:15 .....our times are in His hands"
Keith & Chaplain Vicky DeKraker "Ambassadors for Christ Connecting"
Your prayer support &, financial support are so appreciated. Send to: AFCC 3399 142nd Ave. Holland , Mi.49424