Incredible, is defined in Webster's dictionary as , too extraordinary or probable to be believed. What an incredible , Father God, Jesus, & Holy Spirit!!!! We were gone almost a month to Mozambique, Africa and traveled 4,500 miles in about 11 days. We flew to JoBurg, South Africa after flying up from Orlando, Fl. to Atlanta, Georgia. The segment from Atlanta to JoBurg alone was 16 hrs. and about 25min. to South Africa. I'm telling you this, because we made it through with all the baggage safely & healthy. We just want you all to know how " Incredible " this distribution, which is the largest one to date went. It took almost 2yrs. of planning and included 8 mission organizations to make it all happen. Swiss Mercy Air and their helicopter and plus their pilot, Matthias Reuter, Mercy Air with hospitality in Chimoio, Moz Ron & Barb Wayner., ASAM ministries out of Canada, Audio Scripture Ministries with Chad Vanden Bosch, YWAM in Marromeu, Moz. with Shephan as he director and interpreter , Ambassadors for Christ Connecting, and then the National Director of Crown of Victory Sound Studios in Xai, Xai, Moz. This is just how the body of Christ needs to work and did together! Of the 835 Audio Bibles went out in Shona, Sena, and Chawbo, and already just one week after the distribution 5 people had already given their hearts to Jesus. The SENA went out into the villages located in the Delta of the Zambazi River in Mozambique where it meets the Indian Ocean. Keith & Chad, Sergio, Shephan, and the pilot, Matthias flew two days and visited 8 villages and 8 islands. There was great joy after receiving them, and singing & dancing erupted everywhere. We will post some pictures soon.
Thank you for all of you partnering with AFCC to do this incredible distribution and all your prayers.