Saturday, September 26, 2020

 PSALM 121: 1&2 " I look up to the mountains does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord, who made the heavens and the earth !      :8 " The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever."(NLT)     The Lord is watching over the Sound studio in Mozambique and the missionary with his family that has continued there in Moz. since we took him in 2005. The native Mozambican who was trained to do the Audio Bible recordings continues on since he started in 2005. The Lord gives the growth.  We planted and Chad Vanden Bosch ,who is with ASM,  has watered,  But the Lord has prospered and given the growth.   So many people needed  to hear the Gospel and have heard it  now in their own language, because they have gotten an Audio Bible that was recorded in their own language in the studio in Xai Xai, Mozambique.   

God is also watching over us as we transition from coming and going to Africa to being just here in the USA.  It is difficult to say we are not as healthy or as young as we were back in 2002 when God called us to do mission work in Africa. So now the recordings and distributions will continue on with Chad , Sergio and Steve. The Lord's Kingdom work in Mozambique , Africa will continue on.   We will have transitioned to doing Kingdom work as the Lord shows us here in the USA.  AFCC or Ambassadors for Christ Connecting will have ended.   ASM or Audio Scripture Ministries with Chad Vanden Bosch will continue on with the Kingdom work of recording languages in Mozambique, Africa. 

Blessings to all who have supported and prayed for us over the years. Now thousands have heard the Gospel and many have been saved through hearing the Bible in their own heart language. You have partnered with us and have been faithful to help us in that calling back in 2002.

We will cherish the memories along with all of you.

In His Plans and Times ,  Psalm 31:15 .........our times are in His hands.

Keith & Chaplain Vicky DeKraker