Wednesday, July 4, 2018

" MADE NEW"  This is a flowing river that moves on and on, just like the Lord has us moving on in a  new direction and making Ambassadors for Christ Connecting "Made New."  See our explanation in our previous blog post.
Blessings & Love to all
REVELATION 21: 5  He who was seated on the throne said,"I am making everything new!"


We have traveled to Africa many times over the last 17 years to minister to the people and bring Audio Bibles in their heart languages.  We established a sound studio to record mother tongue languages in Mozambique, Africa. We have raised funds to bring the Gospel to remote and isolated areas in Mozambique , and other countries in Africa.

Now things are being made new in our mission organization, " Ambassadors for Christ Connecting".
The network to distribute the Audio Bibles and the sound studio  has been well established.
The young missionary man we took with us in 2005 is now married and living permanently in Mozambique and oversees the distributions and recordings. The young Mozambican who was trained in 2005, is now the director of " Crown of Victory" sound studio in Xai Xai , Mozambique and doing heart language recordings.

Our "Made New" will be fund raising and ministering to missionaries and those in ministry.
We will not be traveling to Africa, since the network is doing just fine and the mission organization Audio Scripture Ministries is working with the young missionary we took with us in 2005 as well as the director of the sound studio in Mozambique.

Therefore , we will be traveling the USA ministering to other missionaries and those in ministry.  We will be raising funds still to send more Audio Bibles to Africa and other points of the world. Pray with us and for us as we are following this Made New direction with Ambassadors for Christ Connecting.
Blessings & Love to all of you