Monday, October 17, 2016

1 Thessalonians 5: 15 -17( New Living Translation)

These verses relate to the recent break - in and the robbing of the Sound Studio in Xai Xai , Mozambique.  Everything that was not nailed down was taken.  All the equipment needed to record the languages, the equipment to make copies of these languages in Audio, and even the appliances that were in the kitchen of the studio apartment.  So these verses say: 15 " See that no one pays back evil for evil but always try to do good to each other and to everyone else. ": 16 " Always be joyful. :17"  Keep on praying ."  We need your prayers for the equipment to be recovered and also the funds to replace what was stolen.  We keep on praying as well for the people that are so blinded by witchcraft and cultural beliefs that allow something like this to happen.  We need prayers that the work of getting the truth out to the lost people in Mozambique continue by making and distributing the Audio Bibles.   The enemy attacks when God's work is happening. Pray that Sergio & Steve do not lose hope.  They are the national tech. people who have been doing the recording and distributions.

ALWAYS BE JOYFUL:  Mozambican women that now know Jesus are JOYFUL!!!!!!!!
Praise the Lord!!! His work will continue and His Word will go out!!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


The Lord has gone ahead of us in so many ways.  In the 2016 Prayer Guide that Wycliffe Bible Translators put out this year, was a page where we saw how God went ahead of us to make sure the Takwane people in Mozambique would hear the Scriptures in their heart language.  The paragraph was stating the written Scriptures , the Takwane Bible was being dedicated this year, however , that the Audio Bible in Takwane had been distributed out to the people 1 to 2 years ago already!
 THAT WAS US!!!!  We with our partner mission organization Audio Scripture Ministries had recorded their language and we raised funds to get the Audio Bibles to the Takwane people.  The Lord went before us and had the translation finished with Wycliffe(SIL) , and they gave the  transcripts to be recorded in the sound studio in Xai Xai, Mozambique.    These women are like the Takwane people when they receive the Word of God in their language.

Exodus 23 : 20 (NCV) " I am sending an angel ahead of you, who will protect you as you travel. He will lead you to the place I have prepared."

We have worked with Mercy Air to distribute Audio Bibles to the "Sena" people. Here is a quote from a Mercy Air pilot, Andy, " We have reported many times abut the awesome opportunity we have had to distribute Audio Bibles and how the Holy Spirit is touching the hearts of those who hear His Word.  We are so touched to see how technology is being used to spread the good news of salvation to the farthest corners of the bush in Mozambique."

 Here you see Keith DeKraker, Chad Vanden Bosch, and Sergio Mugina who distributed the "Sena" Audio Bibles into the Delta in Mozambique with the help of this helicopter from Mercy Air.
Five families gave their hearts, accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior only one week after this flight and distribution.  The Lord went before us and prepared the place where He wanted the people to know Him.  It is so exciting to see and be part of what our Lord is preparing & doing .  He allows us to be part of this..  You can also be part of this by praying and by supporting AFCC by getting the Audio Bibles to AFRICA.  Sending a check made out to AFCC    and addressing it AFCC  3399 142nd Ave. Holland , Mi. 49424
Prayer Request:  We have had a family crisis and that is why it has been so long since our last post. Please pray for our family in this situation.  The Lord knows the details.  Blessings to all of you!

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Acts 19:2 .......NO WE HAVE NOT HEARD.......

Acts 19:2 gives us truth.  There are millions in this world yet, who have not heard. We are committed to getting the Scriptures out to the people who have not HEARD.  Two thirds of the world are oral cultures and if they don't hear the Bible it's as if they had no Bible.  They can not read!!!  It excites us to share with all of you,  that a new order of Audio Bibles is going to Mozambique.  We ordered about 275 for Mozambique.  There are pastors who have been waiting a long time to get the Audio Bibles for their people.  We specifically remember Raul , who came by bus to the Sound Studio to get Audio Bibles in his peoples' heart language. He stated that the villagers had lost their crops and homes.  Raul said they need HOPE and that was why he came to get the Scriptures in Audio.  He wanted to give his people HOPE.   The new order will make sure he again will receive Audio Bibles.
This is the Beginning of 2016 and we want the people to say YES we have heard!!!
You can help support the ministry with your prayers and financial help to get more Audio Bibles into the world.  At this time we have sent Audio Bibles into Ethiopia, Serria Leone, Haiti, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Swaziland, and Mozambique. If you want to partner with us please pray for hearts to be reached with the message of Jesus Christ, and if you can make a donation please make the check out to AFCC  and send it to 3399 142nd st. Holland, Mi. 49424

Blessings,  Chaplain Victoria DeKraker     &  President Keith DeKraker