Saturday, June 13, 2009

June 13,2009 We are apologizing for not keeping you all informed. It has been several months and much has happened. Keith just finished eye surgery this week and will have the second eye operated on for cataracts June 23. Your prayers are appreciated!!
Now to update you on missions. We have been encouraged to hear that the pastor in Zimbabwe, Ignateous has had 50 people come to know Christ as their Savior in his community . As you know Zimbabwe has had many issues over the past years with an authoritarian leader. The gov. is now shared by the new Prime Minister and the dictator like leader Robert Mugabee. Our gov. has just said it will help this country. I think we are still not allowed to enter Zimbabwe , as it is unsafe for Americans. The people need food, and there are over a million orphans as reported by the BBC recently. We are planning our return trip to Africa in Spring of 2010. God has prompted us to again bring many Audio Bibles to bring His Word to that hurting country, especially the children. The BBC states many are being physically, and sexually abused. We pray our pastor brother in Zimbabwe can make a difference with our support. We have already gotten about 15 Audio Bibles through to him.
Pray with us about an increase of another 400 Audio Bibles to reach the needy. We also ask for prayers to get supplies of food and clothes, and educational needs through to them. Blessings to each of you as you partner with us in doing His work !!
ITimothy 2:1 &4(NLT) " I urge you , first of all, to pray for all people. As you make your requests , plead for God's mercy upon them, and give thanks. :4 for He wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth."
Blessings, Vicky