Dec.21,2009 Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!!! We are in snowy Michigan for Christmas with the family. We pray you are all with family and friends celebrating our Savior's birth. God has provided 1,100 Audio Bibles this year, and 75 Tape talk players, as well, as 1,000 cassettes and 10 Sabers( digital player with SD card). We had prayed and asked that one American family buy one African family an Audio Bible, and so many of you responded. We are in awe as to what our Lord can do through you and through us to reach & teach His children in Africa.
"Just over those hills are thousands more who have not heard about Jesus." This was said by a pastor in the remote Northern part of Mozambique where the last of the Audio Bibles were distributed this year. It tears at our hearts and I'm sure yours as well, when you realize there are thousands just over that next hill who are unreached and still need to hear the gospel. So this coming year 2010 is to get more Audio Bibles to those just over the hill in Northern Mozambique.
We are praying once again to see the Lord raise up all that is needed to do this. When you think of one American family supplying one African family or a village with an Audio Bible , how I believe our Lord rejoices over us. Each Audio Bible is $40.00 and if you have not given this gift of Life to a lost world , would you pray about that this week?
We are also so pleased to hear that there are Women training to be leaders for Women's Cell groups that will listen to the Audio Scriptures and study the Bible together. You realize that Women and girls are the last to get an education in these areas. They are also the last to be allowed it seems to get the Audio Bibles. That is why this next shipment to Maziotela in Northern Mozambique is specifically targeting the Women with getting an Audio Bible. Praise our Lord as He makes it possible for them.
We are asking you to pray for some of the supplies that were sent by ship to get through and to get through customs without a problem.
We would also ask you to pray about Keith & I as we travel in Feb. to South Africa. We need prayer for our health, safety , and for our family back here in Michigan.
Prayer to make it possible for the Director of the Sound Studio we set up in Xai Xai, Moz. will be able to come out to see us in South Africa in Feb. In His Times, Keith & Chaplain Vicky
Ambassador For Christ Connecting
3399 142nd Ave.
Holland, Mi. 49424
Can make checks out to AFCC
Monday, December 21, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Nov.11/09 WOW is God at work!!!!!!! And God has been at work - so let's all have a BLESSED THANKSGIVING - WE ARE WISHING ALL OF YOU, A BLESSED THANKSGIVING!!!!!! God has made it possible that 1000 Audio Bibles are going into Mozambique this Nov., 100 Tape Talk II players, 100 cassettes, and about 10 new Sabers ( larger digital players for use with SD cards). Bible Story kits to go along with the Saber players to really reach & teach the children.
Can you believe it, all this because the Lord has touched people's hearts to get the Bible to those who are pleading for a Bible. Where the Audio Bibles were distributed in Northern Mozambique , people are pleading for an Audio Bible for their villages, churches, and their own families. This is a great problem to have. This coming year we are praying to bring another 1000 Audio Bibles into Mozambique, along with Sabers to use with children and Bible Stories. Many of you know, but I want to remind people, that 60% of the world is an oral culture. Even if the tribe or people group has a written Bible that is translated into their heart language, IF they DO NOT read , it is to them as if there is NO BIBLE AT ALL!!!!
Proverbs 29 : 18 tells us , " where there is no revelation, the people perish" That is why we so compassionately want the Bible , the Audio Bible to get to the people. They must KNOW the TRUTH. They will mature and the African church will reach out in missions of their own. This is a true revival going on in Mozambique. There in the North, many are Muslims, and now they are hearing the TRUTH. Many are becoming Christians, and churches are being planted.
We have partnered with another mission & missionaries in Northern Mozambique who teach and train pastors, and are distributing the Audio Bibles. They also are teaching nutrition to mothers, and saving children & babies with feeding programs. We are helping them with the physical feeding and the spiritual feeding. We are sending materials for the children to learn the Bible stories , and about JESUS. How wonderful it is to know the TRUTH will be there in their own language on these Audio Bibles, and the special digital Saber players.
We ask for your prayers as we prepare to fly out to Africa in Feb 2010. We have many preparations and supplies to bring. We will be bringing more Audio Bibles ourselves, which we hope and ask for your prayers , because they are going into Zimbabwe. We will get them as far as we can to the country of Zimbabwe, but it is not safe for us to go into Zimbabwe. We will ask the pastor we know to travel out of Zimbabwe to meet us , and we will pray he can get them through. There is another way we are praying about , a caravan from South Africa of cars from the local churches goes up every couple of months bringing food. We are thinking perhaps , they would bring the Audio Bibles up into Zimbabwe to get to this pastor to distribute. Please pray that the Lord shows us how He wants the Bibles to get to the people in Zimbabwe. This language is SHONA, and we are sending the SABERS with the Bible recorded on it in SHONA. We are praying we can also get the Bible story kits to go with the Sabers for the children's ministry.
We know God has a plan, and all of us need to pray together to see this accomplished to the glory and praise of the Lord.
In His Plans & Timing , Ambassadors For Christ Connecting
Can you believe it, all this because the Lord has touched people's hearts to get the Bible to those who are pleading for a Bible. Where the Audio Bibles were distributed in Northern Mozambique , people are pleading for an Audio Bible for their villages, churches, and their own families. This is a great problem to have. This coming year we are praying to bring another 1000 Audio Bibles into Mozambique, along with Sabers to use with children and Bible Stories. Many of you know, but I want to remind people, that 60% of the world is an oral culture. Even if the tribe or people group has a written Bible that is translated into their heart language, IF they DO NOT read , it is to them as if there is NO BIBLE AT ALL!!!!
Proverbs 29 : 18 tells us , " where there is no revelation, the people perish" That is why we so compassionately want the Bible , the Audio Bible to get to the people. They must KNOW the TRUTH. They will mature and the African church will reach out in missions of their own. This is a true revival going on in Mozambique. There in the North, many are Muslims, and now they are hearing the TRUTH. Many are becoming Christians, and churches are being planted.
We have partnered with another mission & missionaries in Northern Mozambique who teach and train pastors, and are distributing the Audio Bibles. They also are teaching nutrition to mothers, and saving children & babies with feeding programs. We are helping them with the physical feeding and the spiritual feeding. We are sending materials for the children to learn the Bible stories , and about JESUS. How wonderful it is to know the TRUTH will be there in their own language on these Audio Bibles, and the special digital Saber players.
We ask for your prayers as we prepare to fly out to Africa in Feb 2010. We have many preparations and supplies to bring. We will be bringing more Audio Bibles ourselves, which we hope and ask for your prayers , because they are going into Zimbabwe. We will get them as far as we can to the country of Zimbabwe, but it is not safe for us to go into Zimbabwe. We will ask the pastor we know to travel out of Zimbabwe to meet us , and we will pray he can get them through. There is another way we are praying about , a caravan from South Africa of cars from the local churches goes up every couple of months bringing food. We are thinking perhaps , they would bring the Audio Bibles up into Zimbabwe to get to this pastor to distribute. Please pray that the Lord shows us how He wants the Bibles to get to the people in Zimbabwe. This language is SHONA, and we are sending the SABERS with the Bible recorded on it in SHONA. We are praying we can also get the Bible story kits to go with the Sabers for the children's ministry.
We know God has a plan, and all of us need to pray together to see this accomplished to the glory and praise of the Lord.
In His Plans & Timing , Ambassadors For Christ Connecting
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Shining light into the darkness is what the Lord has us doing with the Audio Bibles(Ambassadors the digital players). John 1: 5 (NLT) the light shines through the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it." Wow, is this terrific or what. Africa is a dark place, yet the light is shining brighter and brighter as the Lord brings His Truth through in His Word ( the Audio Bible ) for those who don't read. The amazing truth of Jesus the Word, is glowing in Africa. Especially in Mozambique, where a revival is taking place. The picture is of children, hearing the gospel and the Scriptures in their own heart language!!!!! There is a deep hunger in Mozambique for truth and light, and you are all partners with us in bringing them the Audio Scriptures and Bible Stories. Yes, there are now Bible Stories to be heard by the children, as the churches there do Not know how to teach children, and this is a wonderful way to have them learn!!! We still could use more Sabers and the Big Story Cards we use with this digital player, so if any USA family would like to help bring an Audio Player to an African family, you can send $40.00 to Ambassadors for Christ, Connecting, Inc. at 3399 142nd Ave. Holland, Mi. 49424 and make the check out to AFCC for theAFCC account. The requests in Mozambique are by the thousands we are told, and this is a great problem to have. We know our faithful , God will supply their heart's cry! We are also making plans to get the Audio Scriptures to Zimbabwe and the Children's Bibles as well. This needs prayer and God revealing a safe way for this to happen. I will end with John 1 : 9" The one who is the true light , who gives light to everyone, was going to come into the world." We are spreading this truth, That Jesus has come into the World and He is the Truth, and the Light!
In His Light & Truth,
Keith & Chaplain Vicky
In His Light & Truth,
Keith & Chaplain Vicky
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Go tell the World!! John 20:17 b( NLT) ........"Go find my brothers and tell them "......
Of course we know Matthew 28: the great commission, but how many other passages of Scripture TELL US TO GO AND TELL??? We continue to speak and do God's work in raising funds for the Audio Bibles for Africa. We Go and Tell here in the USA and we Go and Tell in Africa. Bringing the Audio Bibles in their heart language, is how the Lord is Telling the Africans about Jesus!!!!! So many people are being moved by the Holy Spirit, and listening as well as obeying Him. an example follows:
At the last church we presented at, the elders found a Wedding ring set in the offering.
When they took us aside and told us, and then showed us, we were humbled to tears.
Our first response was , give them back to the couple. Then as the elders said " This was not done in a moment of emotion, they told us weeks ago about doing this. You must keep them and don't take their blessings away." We have prayed about this sacrifice, for you see they had nothing else to give we were told, and have a heart & passion for Missions in Africa. They are not an elderly couple , but a newly married couple, and together made this decision. I thought of the need for more Audio Bibles and reaching the children in Southern Africa, and how this will make it possible.
Luke 21:1-4 Contains the story of the widow giving of her two very small copper coins " she gave out of her poverty. " This couple has given out of their poverty, two wedding rings!!!! We have prayed and asked our board to pray and seek the Lord on this, and we see that the Lord will use this for His glory and helping the people of Africa!!! We are asking everyone to pray and see what the Lord would have you do, as we are asking for a pouring out from Heaven to multiply this seed!!!!! The lastest report from Mozambique is saying people are asking for the Audio Bibles by the thousands. We Need to get the thousands to them, so they may know JESUS!! We are not asking for donations like this one, it is unique to them. We are asking for you to seek the Lord and purchase one, two, three, four, or many many more of the Audio Bibles at about $40.00 each.
God has allowed us to distribute them and bring them into Africa. We will pray that thousands can get to Africa. You can send checks to Ambassadors for Christ Connecting 3399 142nd Ave. Holland , Michigan 49424 and you can make the check out to AFCC. We will keep you posted as to how God Multiplies the value of the rings as we will get them appraised and tell you what the matching funds are that are coming in!!!!! Match their humble but valuable gift to see what God is up to!!
In His Times & Plans Psalm 31:15
Chaplain Vicky & Keith DeKraker
Of course we know Matthew 28: the great commission, but how many other passages of Scripture TELL US TO GO AND TELL??? We continue to speak and do God's work in raising funds for the Audio Bibles for Africa. We Go and Tell here in the USA and we Go and Tell in Africa. Bringing the Audio Bibles in their heart language, is how the Lord is Telling the Africans about Jesus!!!!! So many people are being moved by the Holy Spirit, and listening as well as obeying Him. an example follows:
At the last church we presented at, the elders found a Wedding ring set in the offering.
When they took us aside and told us, and then showed us, we were humbled to tears.
Our first response was , give them back to the couple. Then as the elders said " This was not done in a moment of emotion, they told us weeks ago about doing this. You must keep them and don't take their blessings away." We have prayed about this sacrifice, for you see they had nothing else to give we were told, and have a heart & passion for Missions in Africa. They are not an elderly couple , but a newly married couple, and together made this decision. I thought of the need for more Audio Bibles and reaching the children in Southern Africa, and how this will make it possible.
Luke 21:1-4 Contains the story of the widow giving of her two very small copper coins " she gave out of her poverty. " This couple has given out of their poverty, two wedding rings!!!! We have prayed and asked our board to pray and seek the Lord on this, and we see that the Lord will use this for His glory and helping the people of Africa!!! We are asking everyone to pray and see what the Lord would have you do, as we are asking for a pouring out from Heaven to multiply this seed!!!!! The lastest report from Mozambique is saying people are asking for the Audio Bibles by the thousands. We Need to get the thousands to them, so they may know JESUS!! We are not asking for donations like this one, it is unique to them. We are asking for you to seek the Lord and purchase one, two, three, four, or many many more of the Audio Bibles at about $40.00 each.
God has allowed us to distribute them and bring them into Africa. We will pray that thousands can get to Africa. You can send checks to Ambassadors for Christ Connecting 3399 142nd Ave. Holland , Michigan 49424 and you can make the check out to AFCC. We will keep you posted as to how God Multiplies the value of the rings as we will get them appraised and tell you what the matching funds are that are coming in!!!!! Match their humble but valuable gift to see what God is up to!!
In His Times & Plans Psalm 31:15
Chaplain Vicky & Keith DeKraker
Saturday, June 13, 2009
June 13,2009 We are apologizing for not keeping you all informed. It has been several months and much has happened. Keith just finished eye surgery this week and will have the second eye operated on for cataracts June 23. Your prayers are appreciated!!
Now to update you on missions. We have been encouraged to hear that the pastor in Zimbabwe, Ignateous has had 50 people come to know Christ as their Savior in his community . As you know Zimbabwe has had many issues over the past years with an authoritarian leader. The gov. is now shared by the new Prime Minister and the dictator like leader Robert Mugabee. Our gov. has just said it will help this country. I think we are still not allowed to enter Zimbabwe , as it is unsafe for Americans. The people need food, and there are over a million orphans as reported by the BBC recently. We are planning our return trip to Africa in Spring of 2010. God has prompted us to again bring many Audio Bibles to bring His Word to that hurting country, especially the children. The BBC states many are being physically, and sexually abused. We pray our pastor brother in Zimbabwe can make a difference with our support. We have already gotten about 15 Audio Bibles through to him.
Pray with us about an increase of another 400 Audio Bibles to reach the needy. We also ask for prayers to get supplies of food and clothes, and educational needs through to them. Blessings to each of you as you partner with us in doing His work !!
ITimothy 2:1 &4(NLT) " I urge you , first of all, to pray for all people. As you make your requests , plead for God's mercy upon them, and give thanks. :4 for He wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth."
Blessings, Vicky
Now to update you on missions. We have been encouraged to hear that the pastor in Zimbabwe, Ignateous has had 50 people come to know Christ as their Savior in his community . As you know Zimbabwe has had many issues over the past years with an authoritarian leader. The gov. is now shared by the new Prime Minister and the dictator like leader Robert Mugabee. Our gov. has just said it will help this country. I think we are still not allowed to enter Zimbabwe , as it is unsafe for Americans. The people need food, and there are over a million orphans as reported by the BBC recently. We are planning our return trip to Africa in Spring of 2010. God has prompted us to again bring many Audio Bibles to bring His Word to that hurting country, especially the children. The BBC states many are being physically, and sexually abused. We pray our pastor brother in Zimbabwe can make a difference with our support. We have already gotten about 15 Audio Bibles through to him.
Pray with us about an increase of another 400 Audio Bibles to reach the needy. We also ask for prayers to get supplies of food and clothes, and educational needs through to them. Blessings to each of you as you partner with us in doing His work !!
ITimothy 2:1 &4(NLT) " I urge you , first of all, to pray for all people. As you make your requests , plead for God's mercy upon them, and give thanks. :4 for He wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth."
Blessings, Vicky
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
March 31/09 WOW has God done marvelous things with the Audio Bibles in Southern Africa. We just received an email from our missionary partner and the national sound studio director for Mozambique. These two men traveled about 5,000 Klm. north in Moz. to distribute the Audio Bibles to the Makua people. There are 6.5 million there that also are mostly Muslims. You all are part of this great distribution of the Bible. They took four different lanuages on the Ambassadors( Audio Bibles) Makus( which was done in the sound studio the Lord had us set - up in 2005) , Portuguese, Shona, and even Swahili. Swahili, was for the far north of Moz. The reception to these Audio Bibles was unbelieveable. People are so hugry to know the truth and hear about Jesus!!!! In the area around Manapo, a city in the Nampula state there in Northern Moz. a system is in place where one ambassador( Audio Bible) will have 10 to 20 people in a small group listening each day for one hour. This is their committment to getting one of the Audio Bibles. We can only imagine how God will use these newly placed Audio Bibles. Two men in a northern city came to get one, it was given to them only to find out they were Muslim and not believers. However, they are in for a " Wild Ride" as the missionary said, because God's Word does not return void!!!! These 240 Audio Bibles will reach 24,000 , People , and more as the truth goes out . Sergio , the national who was trained to do the recording for the Sound Studio, Made a statement something like this, we ran out of Audio Bibles, the people were sad, and we are sad. Isn't that encouraging to see people wanting to hear the Bible and follow Jesus! In one church on an early Thursday morning people packed the church waiting to hear the Audio Bible. The missionary asked the question. How many of you can read. Two raised their hands, one was the pastor and the other was the pastor in training. Then the Audio Bible was played in their heart language, and the question was asked , how many of you understood this. Everyone raised their hand. That is what God is doing through us and the partnership we have with this missionary, and the Sound Studio the Lord gave us a vision for . The studio now has two sound rooms. We brought more equipment over this past Fall to help it expand. God is doing a mighty thing, and more Audio Bibles are needed. So at this point we have raised more funds to buy 25 or so Audio Bibles, and 5 or so of the newer cassette players for the children's ministry. There is a new language ,Makonde, Sergio is starting in whatever has been translated of the Bible, because it is still being translated.
We ask your prayers as we seek to bring several hundred Audio Bibles this next time we go to Africa, and 50 of the new tape cassette players as the Lord provides. After taxes , duty costs, and copyright fees, and the purchase of the Ambassador, it still comes to about 50 dollars, and the new cassette player also after fees , duty etc. is about 50 dollars. That is a rounded figure to make it easier for everyone to have a goal for in helping expand the kingdom and disciple the people in Africa.
In His Times, Psalm 31: 15"
Our times are in His hands."
Keith & Vicky DeKraker
We ask your prayers as we seek to bring several hundred Audio Bibles this next time we go to Africa, and 50 of the new tape cassette players as the Lord provides. After taxes , duty costs, and copyright fees, and the purchase of the Ambassador, it still comes to about 50 dollars, and the new cassette player also after fees , duty etc. is about 50 dollars. That is a rounded figure to make it easier for everyone to have a goal for in helping expand the kingdom and disciple the people in Africa.
In His Times, Psalm 31: 15"
Our times are in His hands."
Keith & Vicky DeKraker
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Feb./09 1John 4: 16" We know how much God loves us, and we put our trust in Him. God is love.............." It is always good to reflect on His love, and then our love one to another. We are now in Sebring, Fl. being the hands and compassion of Jesus to retired missionaries. Keith , is doing the practical hands on maintence things, and I am helping with the assisted living area with the residents, and as a resident told me" Just Be There". So I am listening and praying with them and helping as possible , too.
We arrived safely on Feb.4/09 to be greeted by many old friends and missionaries from last year. We have again connected with a couple that live out in the town of Sebring. They have been very supportive of the Feeding Centers in Swaziland. We spent a day with them recently at the Florida State Fair which they had invited us to. It was good to hear their story from this last year. However, there was a sad part as well, when they told us they had lost their business. God tells us to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice. We look forward to rejoicing with them in the future as God shows them what is next. He will bring good out of what was meant for evil. We also ask prayer for our brothers and sisters in Swaziland as they also are weeping , because their source of incomes has been taken away from them. It is so hard to understand when the hurtful attacks come from other people in the body of Christ. This is what has happened to these two couples. Pray they find jobs, and a place to live. Pray they are aware of how The Lord is leading them now. We also pray for their safety , as another brother in Christ was attacked by his neighbors , but was not hurt, however, he may lose his home and church.
We praise the Lord for His continued faithfullness in our lives and our families lives. Kelvin our son, and his wife are taking our grandson, Dylan to the Childrens's hospital in Cinncinati, Ohio this week. Pray the trial drug continues to work and not have negative side effects. Dylan, is our hero!!! It isn't always nice with having to have muscle biopsies, and the drug itself has him overly emotional, and implusive.
We continue to thank the Lord " For such a time as this". Please pray it will help other children with Muscular Dystyrophy.
The sound studio in Mozambique has just gotten the other 240 Audio Bibles shipped in, pray they get distributed out to the people. Pray for the dedication of the Makua language in Northen Mozambique, Manapo. We are praying for 1,000 Audio Bibles this year. We know of many places God wants them distributed, like Zimbabwe, Swaziland, and Mozambique, even those in South Africa. We also are praying for 50 of the Sabers( which are hand cranked digital devices) we will use with children, and the Sunday School, and Bible Stories for the children. This is a new machine made in Australia. They are about $50.00 each, but have a larger speaker for a larger group of children to hear. The Ambassadors are excellent and are being used, they are the size of a deck of cards, with a smaller speaker, so they are not as loud or as clear for larger groups as the Saber can do. We ask prayer for our return to Africa in about a year from now, and that we need a car available for us to distribute supplies, and go where the Lord directs us!!!!
So Blessings and Love in the Lord, God is Love,
Vicky & Keith
We arrived safely on Feb.4/09 to be greeted by many old friends and missionaries from last year. We have again connected with a couple that live out in the town of Sebring. They have been very supportive of the Feeding Centers in Swaziland. We spent a day with them recently at the Florida State Fair which they had invited us to. It was good to hear their story from this last year. However, there was a sad part as well, when they told us they had lost their business. God tells us to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice. We look forward to rejoicing with them in the future as God shows them what is next. He will bring good out of what was meant for evil. We also ask prayer for our brothers and sisters in Swaziland as they also are weeping , because their source of incomes has been taken away from them. It is so hard to understand when the hurtful attacks come from other people in the body of Christ. This is what has happened to these two couples. Pray they find jobs, and a place to live. Pray they are aware of how The Lord is leading them now. We also pray for their safety , as another brother in Christ was attacked by his neighbors , but was not hurt, however, he may lose his home and church.
We praise the Lord for His continued faithfullness in our lives and our families lives. Kelvin our son, and his wife are taking our grandson, Dylan to the Childrens's hospital in Cinncinati, Ohio this week. Pray the trial drug continues to work and not have negative side effects. Dylan, is our hero!!! It isn't always nice with having to have muscle biopsies, and the drug itself has him overly emotional, and implusive.
We continue to thank the Lord " For such a time as this". Please pray it will help other children with Muscular Dystyrophy.
The sound studio in Mozambique has just gotten the other 240 Audio Bibles shipped in, pray they get distributed out to the people. Pray for the dedication of the Makua language in Northen Mozambique, Manapo. We are praying for 1,000 Audio Bibles this year. We know of many places God wants them distributed, like Zimbabwe, Swaziland, and Mozambique, even those in South Africa. We also are praying for 50 of the Sabers( which are hand cranked digital devices) we will use with children, and the Sunday School, and Bible Stories for the children. This is a new machine made in Australia. They are about $50.00 each, but have a larger speaker for a larger group of children to hear. The Ambassadors are excellent and are being used, they are the size of a deck of cards, with a smaller speaker, so they are not as loud or as clear for larger groups as the Saber can do. We ask prayer for our return to Africa in about a year from now, and that we need a car available for us to distribute supplies, and go where the Lord directs us!!!!
So Blessings and Love in the Lord, God is Love,
Vicky & Keith
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Jan.09 It's a new year " new wine for 09" The pouring out of the Holy Spirit into our lives!!!
I want to apologize for such a long time span between these posts. We left for Africa on Oct. 26th and two weeks before we left sensed the directing of the Lord to form this mission organization called Ambassadors for Christ Connecting. In Africa we experienced the Lord connecting us again with the needs of the people. We once again brought food for the orphans. We brought more Audio Bibles , which were distributed throughout Southern Africa. However, I apologize that this update didn't get done until now. We arrived home in Michigan on Dec 5 and the whole next week seemed like a blear with our jet lag and re entry to cold , snowy weather , plus all the activities before Christmas. We were only home in Michigan three weeks. Prayers for our new great grand-daughter, Adrianna, are still needed, as she develops and grows. We praise the Lord that we have grandchildren and now a grand - daughter. Her mother , Brittany, and her grandmother, Kris could use prayers as well. Our son , Kelvin, and his family also need continued prayers for health and protection. You remember the 8 yr. old is taking an experimental drug for his Muscular Dystrophy, and we pray for good effects and not any ill side effects. Tyler, his older brother can not take it yet, pray that in the future he can. It has been a heartache to have one son allowed to take it , and the other , Tyler, not allowed to take it because he failed the test physically to get into the trial testing.
We are now speaking in churches in Alabama, and in Florida. We are promoting the Audio Bibles and telling everyone what wonderful things our great God has been doing in Africa. He had me take baby clothes before we left and I didn't know of a place they would go. But, while staying in the guest house at Mercy Air Mission , I met , Hillary, who worked in the Baby House in Mozambique and had just come out to South Africa for a weekend. I asked her if she could use the baby, clothes, and of course she said YES. This was why I was supposed to take these baby clothes instead of other things as we prioritized back home in our packing since the luggage weight is now so low. God had a plan, and it was to help these children and babies. You see , the next weekend or so another of the missionaries from this Orphanage where the baby house is came to Mercy Air mission also, and I talked with Tracey. She was to do some Christmas shopping for 39 children I believe, and somethings for the babies. I had been asked by my daughter to not bring anything home for her, but to give something to a child in her place. This then was exactly where , I sensed that God wanted us to give. We gave funds, so that this missionary could buy Christmas toys and bibs she told me. How priviledged we are to be the ones doing God's work and you are the helping hands of Christ to a needy Africa!!!
An exciting thing happened as we were in Swaziland with the EWBC students , many of whom I have taught. They had planned a mission trip to Zimbabwe on there own. Africans helping Africans, they are getting the vision of what Christ has been teaching them while at EWBC. We had just had graduation ceremony of which I was asked to be part of, what a Blessing, when the students were to leave the next day. We were able to give them 4 Audio Bibles in Shona language which we had not expected to be able to get into Zimbabwe. This was a planned by God before we even left the US. We also gave them 9 Audio Bibles in English, because that is one of the official languages of Zimbabwe. What a faithful Heavenly Father to know the need in Zimbabwe and that we were the ones getting them through to them by this short term mission team from EWBC. They were going to the church where Pastor Ignateous was and to help in ministry to children and the people in the church as well as the community.
We have now brought 275 Audio Bibles at a cost of about $50.00 each totaling about
$13,750 , which all of you gave to make possible. There is a ripple effect as they are brought to the Africans. Where more and more people here the Word of God and then they tell others about the Good News and Jesus. An example is about the Medical Clinic where people listen to the Bible while waiting to be seen. The helicopter pilot in South Africa wants one , so as he flys medical teams and doctors into the interior, the people can listen to the Bible while waiting to be treated. How exciting to see the far reaching ways , God will get the Bible out to a lost world and people hungry to hear the truth.
Now that we are home in the USA, you can directly give donations to Ambassadors For Christ Connecting, and we can give you a tax deductible receipt. The address is 3399 142nd Ave. Holland, Mi. 49424 We have a treasurer who takes care of all this. We can now officially help those in need of clean water, and the orphans with food, clothes, and shoes. One of the connections this time that the Lord showed us , is with a couple that are very far north in Mozambique where mostly Moslims live. The wife teaches mothers how to care for their infants, and has a feeding program , too. She also has a baby house where mothers and infants stay. So she tells me every year there is a hunger season, but that this year there will be a Starvation season, because there has not been enough rain. I could see the hurt in her eyes as she told me this, because I also knew she would have to make some terrible decisions as to who will live and get food, and who will not get food, otherwise called triage in the States. I thought , Lord , I don't think I could do what she has to do. Lord help her through this terrible time.
I want to say , God will make a way for us to help those in need as this couple in Northern Mozambique. They also are the missionaries who sent down two readers to read for the national , that works at the sound studio , God had had us do in 2005. So the New Testament in Makua is now done and being distributed out to the people!!!
The Lord will give us the exact time we are to return to South Africa and Swaziland, and perhaps Mozambique and Zimbabwe when it is safe.
We are so thankful for all your prayers and love, we sent our love to all of you and the continued partnership you share with us and the Lord.
In His Time Psalm 31:15
Keith & Chaplain Vicky
I want to apologize for such a long time span between these posts. We left for Africa on Oct. 26th and two weeks before we left sensed the directing of the Lord to form this mission organization called Ambassadors for Christ Connecting. In Africa we experienced the Lord connecting us again with the needs of the people. We once again brought food for the orphans. We brought more Audio Bibles , which were distributed throughout Southern Africa. However, I apologize that this update didn't get done until now. We arrived home in Michigan on Dec 5 and the whole next week seemed like a blear with our jet lag and re entry to cold , snowy weather , plus all the activities before Christmas. We were only home in Michigan three weeks. Prayers for our new great grand-daughter, Adrianna, are still needed, as she develops and grows. We praise the Lord that we have grandchildren and now a grand - daughter. Her mother , Brittany, and her grandmother, Kris could use prayers as well. Our son , Kelvin, and his family also need continued prayers for health and protection. You remember the 8 yr. old is taking an experimental drug for his Muscular Dystrophy, and we pray for good effects and not any ill side effects. Tyler, his older brother can not take it yet, pray that in the future he can. It has been a heartache to have one son allowed to take it , and the other , Tyler, not allowed to take it because he failed the test physically to get into the trial testing.
We are now speaking in churches in Alabama, and in Florida. We are promoting the Audio Bibles and telling everyone what wonderful things our great God has been doing in Africa. He had me take baby clothes before we left and I didn't know of a place they would go. But, while staying in the guest house at Mercy Air Mission , I met , Hillary, who worked in the Baby House in Mozambique and had just come out to South Africa for a weekend. I asked her if she could use the baby, clothes, and of course she said YES. This was why I was supposed to take these baby clothes instead of other things as we prioritized back home in our packing since the luggage weight is now so low. God had a plan, and it was to help these children and babies. You see , the next weekend or so another of the missionaries from this Orphanage where the baby house is came to Mercy Air mission also, and I talked with Tracey. She was to do some Christmas shopping for 39 children I believe, and somethings for the babies. I had been asked by my daughter to not bring anything home for her, but to give something to a child in her place. This then was exactly where , I sensed that God wanted us to give. We gave funds, so that this missionary could buy Christmas toys and bibs she told me. How priviledged we are to be the ones doing God's work and you are the helping hands of Christ to a needy Africa!!!
An exciting thing happened as we were in Swaziland with the EWBC students , many of whom I have taught. They had planned a mission trip to Zimbabwe on there own. Africans helping Africans, they are getting the vision of what Christ has been teaching them while at EWBC. We had just had graduation ceremony of which I was asked to be part of, what a Blessing, when the students were to leave the next day. We were able to give them 4 Audio Bibles in Shona language which we had not expected to be able to get into Zimbabwe. This was a planned by God before we even left the US. We also gave them 9 Audio Bibles in English, because that is one of the official languages of Zimbabwe. What a faithful Heavenly Father to know the need in Zimbabwe and that we were the ones getting them through to them by this short term mission team from EWBC. They were going to the church where Pastor Ignateous was and to help in ministry to children and the people in the church as well as the community.
We have now brought 275 Audio Bibles at a cost of about $50.00 each totaling about
$13,750 , which all of you gave to make possible. There is a ripple effect as they are brought to the Africans. Where more and more people here the Word of God and then they tell others about the Good News and Jesus. An example is about the Medical Clinic where people listen to the Bible while waiting to be seen. The helicopter pilot in South Africa wants one , so as he flys medical teams and doctors into the interior, the people can listen to the Bible while waiting to be treated. How exciting to see the far reaching ways , God will get the Bible out to a lost world and people hungry to hear the truth.
Now that we are home in the USA, you can directly give donations to Ambassadors For Christ Connecting, and we can give you a tax deductible receipt. The address is 3399 142nd Ave. Holland, Mi. 49424 We have a treasurer who takes care of all this. We can now officially help those in need of clean water, and the orphans with food, clothes, and shoes. One of the connections this time that the Lord showed us , is with a couple that are very far north in Mozambique where mostly Moslims live. The wife teaches mothers how to care for their infants, and has a feeding program , too. She also has a baby house where mothers and infants stay. So she tells me every year there is a hunger season, but that this year there will be a Starvation season, because there has not been enough rain. I could see the hurt in her eyes as she told me this, because I also knew she would have to make some terrible decisions as to who will live and get food, and who will not get food, otherwise called triage in the States. I thought , Lord , I don't think I could do what she has to do. Lord help her through this terrible time.
I want to say , God will make a way for us to help those in need as this couple in Northern Mozambique. They also are the missionaries who sent down two readers to read for the national , that works at the sound studio , God had had us do in 2005. So the New Testament in Makua is now done and being distributed out to the people!!!
The Lord will give us the exact time we are to return to South Africa and Swaziland, and perhaps Mozambique and Zimbabwe when it is safe.
We are so thankful for all your prayers and love, we sent our love to all of you and the continued partnership you share with us and the Lord.
In His Time Psalm 31:15
Keith & Chaplain Vicky
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